Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 6: IO Backhands

Here's the general plan for throwing practices:
  • 2:00-2:29pm - Unstructured throwing
  • 2:29-2:45pm - Dynamic warmup
  • 2:45-3:30pm - Throwing drills
  • 3:30-4:00pm - 3-on-3 games (keep-away, mini, box, double box, etc.)

Drills for this week are:
  • Lines, open side backhands and forehands (10 min)
  • Lines, force forehand, breakside cut for IO backhand, PASSIVE mark (10 min)
  • Horozontal (diamond) breakmark cutting drill, force backhand, throw IO backhand (LOW RELEASE), PASSIVE mark (10 min)
  • Come-to breakmark cutting drill, force forehand, active marks (10 min)

Again, I strongly suggest you download the video (that means you need to register for a free Vimeo account). There are a lot of things you can see more clearly when you watch frame-by-frame.

Quick comment on IO Backhands:  See Low-Release Backhands post.  Everything from there applies to IO backhands too.  The high-release backhand can be an effective IO break, but for now, focus on low-release IO's.

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