Sunday, August 23, 2009


1. The UPS listhost is not good. We're going to be moving to a Google Group soon. Sign up below. Use your account if you just want to send and receive emails. If you want to be able to see the archives and do other stuff, you need a Gmail account.

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2. Players are going to be taking a larger role in running practices this fall. If you are a returning A team player who does not want to be involved in running practices, please email me. If you are anyone else, and you want to help run practices, please email me.

3. We're also going to be dividing up the club organizational work. If you want to help organize travel, fundraising, sponsorship, practice scheduling, running a tournament, or anything else you can think of, email Eli (eritchie@...). If you want to help with recruiting or fall lifting, email Kyle (ksleeper@...).

4. Sign up for Tacoma Hat League here. There will not be a Thursday night men's league. Do not sign up for the hat tournament on September 12. We'll be running a freshmen tournament and doing other awesome stuff that day.

5. We'll be doing A/B team stuff differently this year. We'll be more specific about the selection process later, but here's the basic idea:
  • Everyone will be practicing together fall semester. We'll have a big Sunday practice and several smaller practices during the week.
  • We're anticipating getting enough new players that we'll be able to send three teams to tournaments.
  • At the end of November, we will divide into a ~25 player Alpha Squad and a ~25 player Beta Squad. Alpha Squad will have mandatory workouts over winter break and will have a spring schedule pretty similar to what the A team did last year. Beta Squad will have a less intense schedule.
  • For preseason tournaments, we will take ~14 players from Alpha Squad for the A team, ~14 players from Alpha/Beta Squads for the B team, and ~14 players from Beta Squad for the C team. The A team won't be the same players at every tournament.
  • Shortly before Sectionals, we will pick the final A team for the College Series. We probably will take a team of about 15 players.